Often, we have little awareness of how our actions might affect the lives of others. It’s the truly magical gift of motherhood that we believe is worth championing and celebrating. The amazing thing about these moms is that they just keep going and doing, assuring a safe environment and giving their love unconditionally, even when they feel like they have nothing more to give. This Mother’s Day, Lowe’s invites you to check out their new #HomeMaker series, which highlights all the incredible moms who bring a world of possibilities and joy to their homes every day, just like Johnson Lane. Although for moms like her, the day-to-day can be a slog, and the days turn into weeks and turn into months and years, reflecting back provides an opportunity to celebrate the incredible achievements and own them. In 2020, there were approximately 15.49 million families in the United States with a female head of the household and no spouse present. Johnson Lane’s situation is far from unique. We may not have control over what life throws at us, but we always have control over how we handle it. “I have had to wear more hats than I did before, but I've learned that it is just an opportunity to learn new things and to be an example to my kids in a way I hadn't planned on.
“A sudden detour into single motherhood was a long way from the journey I thought I was on,” said Johnson Lane.